Porteños are loud, brash, sentimental, kiss each other and pose a lot - much like Italians. This isn´t surprising given the number of Italians who emmigrated here, especially to La Boca, the Port district. There are currently hordings for Berlusconi and others all over town, so plenty of people obviously retain Italian citizenship too. The origins of Tango are in this misture of immigrants, and in here in Buenos Aires.

Tango in the street in San Telmo, BA.

La Boca, BA. The Port district of town.

Spaniards trying to reconquer BA.

The memorial to the Guerra de las Malvinas (Falklands War).

Centro Cultural Borges.
Unfortunately, Argentina seems to have been run by some despotic lunatics during the 20th Century. Although, unlike some others, Juan Perón is still a popular figure and has lots of streets named after him, you might argue that him and his on/off wife fitted this mould. Eva is buried in the Recolecta cemetary, along with all the other famous porteños from history. A lot of money has been spent on the dead and people still come to gush over Eva Perón´s tomb.

The local brand of Spanish has got more tricky as we head south. People have started changing their consonants and people are constantly telling me that I obviously learnt my Spanish back on the peninsular. Let´s hope it becomes less lispy before we leave.