We visited the Imperial War Museum 'wartime food' exhibition last month - which fervently advised us to grow our own food to win the war. There were even some amusing propaganda films and posters to have a look at.

So, forgetting the decade, Lou and I enthusiastically claimed an allotment on Bedminster down yesterday, and despite a hangover set to work today turning over tilling the beds for this year's crop. The plot also comes with a free shed (slightly rotten), which is necessary for reading the paper when the rain comes down, and Lou has shirked off home to get some 'rest' from her temporary illness. Thankfully I had some coffee and the rain eased off, otherwise I could have spent too long watching the trains go past behind the plots.

We managed to turn over two beds today and get some plans together for the year ahead. Hopefully this will be the ideal place to escape from wedding planning or work induced stress.