Lou and I have used the easter break to travel northwards to Scotland and hopefully avoid royal wedding fever. In fact flying back from Edinburgh during the Royal Wedding was much cheaper and avoids having to watch it on TV.

Thankfully our host doesn't live in an Irvine Welsh type heroin infested high rise flat like those above, but in quite a nice flat in West Edinbugh. From there we can walk into the centre and see the sights quite easily.

We've been taking in some obvious sights in Auld Reekie, and some less well known ones like Leith harbour (below).

Naturally some of the local catch needed to be eaten by the harbour. I tried an Arbroath Smokie, whilst Lou finished pretty much everything else caught that day - washed down with some Prosecco.

We were so stuffed after this meal that we had to take in the funfair next to Leith harbour and take in the views.

From the top of the big wheel you can see back into town and the crags behind it.

This morning we have been walking up Salisbury Crags which look over the city, unlike pretty much any other city it's like walking into a national park surrounded by the city below.

So back to Bristol tomorrow!