Merry Christmas from New Zealand! We decided to take a light Christmas walk from Wanaka, near Queenstown, up to see the Rob Roy Glacier. The 60km drive up a dirt track across several fords didn't put us off, and neither did the first little bridge (above). The weather started nicely down in the dry valley, but after 1 hour of uphill treking started to turn. Still, we did get to see the apparently rare Kea (below), which sat on a branch above a group of picnicing tourists and then proceded to land everywhere anyone was eating any food all the way up the valley to the glaciers. Perhaps rare, but not shy! Indeed, yesterday I was attacked by one leaving the shower block at a campsite, then watched it hunting in its natural habitiat: tearing food scraps from a carrier bag on top of a wheelie bin! After our walk we retreated back to Lake Wanaka below, for Christmas Dinner.
Lou has been enjoying driving the van, with me navigating and getting her to take all the shortcuts across mountain passes and unmettaled roads. Now we're driving up the West Coast of the south island, which is only one long remote road, so our van is noticeable amongst the droves of other camper vans. We get lots of comments and questions about it and many people have been stuck behind it long enough to appreciate the artwork.

We have now arrived in Glacier Country on the west coast. Crossing over from Wanaka the change in flora is stark - we are now in a rainforst bordered by mountains. Lots of native ferns (koru) border the paths and moss hangs in football sized clumps from the trees. We have had a few walks in the undergrowth and had some typical weather. This morning was clear and we took full advantage and impulsively took a helicopter flight up Fox Glacier. This was breaktaking and at times stomach churning, but gave us a view right down into crevasses and up onto the fresh snow at the top, which is close to Mount Cook, but on the opposite side to our previous glacier walks.
We have now arrived in Glacier Country on the west coast. Crossing over from Wanaka the change in flora is stark - we are now in a rainforst bordered by mountains. Lots of native ferns (koru) border the paths and moss hangs in football sized clumps from the trees. We have had a few walks in the undergrowth and had some typical weather. This morning was clear and we took full advantage and impulsively took a helicopter flight up Fox Glacier. This was breaktaking and at times stomach churning, but gave us a view right down into crevasses and up onto the fresh snow at the top, which is close to Mount Cook, but on the opposite side to our previous glacier walks.
Now, we are sat in a full scale west coast downpour, and trying to work out where to camp to escape. I wouldn't mind indulging my new hobby - this being New Zealand, land of plenty, I have started trying to fish in rivers and lakes. I have had little success and Lou waits expectantly for me to bring back a big trout, but no such luck. So far I have had one rod stolen and lost 2 lures at the bottom of lakes. Yesterday however, I caught 3 mussels by dragging my hook too low in the water and snagging them. We had this pitiful snack this morning with our breakfast. Better luck hopefully soon.
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