Monday, May 3, 2010

Bank 'Holiday'

Well such is the bank holiday, during which Lou and I have been working harder than ever getting the ground prepared at the allotment. As we've only just got the plot - still not officially - we are trying to plant as much out as early as we can to reap the rewards. The only things growing in it when we arrived were 2 leeks and some strawberries.

After planting out the some peas and some old runner beans left for dead by the last occpant, it rained hard on Saturday night, which saved a lot of water carrying. Here is Lou trying to work out what to plant out next.

Despite some hail, today was mostly sunny and we looked out over to Aston Court Estate thinking that we should have a party on the plot during the Bristol Balloon festival which is held in August - as we'll see the whole thing and watch them fly right over us from the ridge.

The view takes in most of Bristol - here is the Clifton suspension bridge behind a poplar tree.

So it's starting to look like something might grow there - one day - hopefully.

I suppose I better get back to planning the wedding now - as much as I am enjoying this distraction. It's the 16th October for anyone not in the know yet...

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