He was born on 17th March just after 9 pm. He we are having just left theatre.
Rowan feeding in St Michael's Hospital, Bristol. He feeds with special squeezy bottles due to his tiny cleft palate, so we can help pumping milk into him. The cleft team at Frenchay hospital (North Bristol) were really helpful.
Mum and Rowan at home, after being discharged on Tuesday 20th. Lou was very glad to taste the last of hospital food.
Rowan spends a good deal of time sleeping off large feeds,and does this best in the posh baby-bouncer that mum bought him and which arrived just in the nick of time.
We have been out on some trips this week, here we are at Chew Valley Lake in the Mendips.
...and today at SS Great Britain on the harbour in Bristol.
and now back to sleep at home after another day out. He has started taking to sleeping through most of the night, which is a luxury for us.
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